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High Strength, High Toughness GF Reinforced A130 V-0
High Strength, High Toughness High Stiffness A150
High Strength, High Toughness CF Reinforced A230
High Strength, High Toughness Low Warpage, High Stiffness A410
Standard, for SMT GF Reinforced, High Flow E130G
Standard, for SMT GF Reinforced E130i
Standard, for SMT Low Warpage, Low Anisotropy E463i
Standard, for SMT Low Warpage E471i
Standard, for SMT Low Warpage, High Flow E473i
Standard, for SMT Good Dimensional Stability E480i
Standard, for SMT Low Warpage, Low Anisotropy E481i
Standard, for SMT Low Fibrillation E525T
Standard, High flow, for SMT GF Reinforced GA130
Standard, High flow, for SMT Low Warpage, Low Anisotropy GA481
Standard, High flow, for SMT Low Warpage, Super High Flow HA475
High Heat Resistance, High-temperature Stiffness GF Reinforced S135
High Heat Resistance, High-temperature Stiffness GF Reinforced, High Flow S140M
High Heat Resistance, High-temperature Stiffness High Stiffness S150
High Heat Resistance, High-temperature Stiffness Low Warpage S471
High Heat Resistance, High-temperature Stiffness Low Warpage, Super High Flow S475
High Heat Resistance, High-temperature Stiffness Low Warpage, Super High Flow S478


3D Printer Applications For Material Extrusion AM17X
Low VOC High Sliding AW-01LV HB
High Sliding High Sliding, High Viscocity AW-09 HB
Electric Conductive CF10% Reinforced, Low Wear CH-10 HB
Electric Conductive CF15% Reinforced, Low Wear CH-15 -
Electric Conductive CF20% Reinforced, Low Wear CH-20 HB
Creep Resistant CP15X HB
Electric Conductive Anti-static EB-10 HB
Electric Conductive Anti-static ES-5 HB
Electric Conductive Anti-static, High Sliding EW-02 HB
Extrusion Molding Melted Extrusion Molding FP15X HB
Low Warpage GB 25% Reinforced, Low Warpage GB-25R HB
Glass Fiber Reinforced GF10% Reinforced GH-10 HB
Glass Fiber Reinforced GF20% Reinforced GH-20 HB
Glass Fiber Reinforced GF25% Reinforced GH-25 HB
Glass Fiber Reinforced GF25% Reinforced, High Flow GH-25D HB
Low VOC GF25% Reinforced GH-25LV HB
Low Warpage MF20% Reinforced, Low Warpage GM-20 HB
Special High Strength, Fuel Resistant H140-54C -
Special For Diesel H140DR -
High Rigidity High Viscosity HP25X HB
High Rigidity High Flow HP270X HB
High Rigidity Standard HP90X HB
High Sliding High Sliding JW-03 HB
Weather Resistant Low Gloss, Weather Resistance LU-02 HB
Low VOC Low Gloss, Weather Resistance LU-02LV -
High Sliding High Sliding LW-02 HB
Standard High Flow, Fast Molding Cycle M140-44 HB
Extrusion Molding For Extrusion M25-34 HB
Standard High Viscosity M25-44 HB
Weather Resistant High Viscosity M25-45 HB
Low VOC High Viscosity M25LV HB
Special Black Color Concentrate M270-07 -
Standard High Flow, Fast Molding Cycle M270-44 HB
Weather Resistant High Flow M270-45 HB
Low VOC Weather Resistant M270-45LV HB
Food Contact Safety, Multi-national Certification of Drinkingwater Safety High Flow,Fast Molding Cycle M270-57 HB
Low VOC High Flow, Fast Molding Cycle M270LV HB
Standard Super High Flow, Fast Molding Cycle M450-44 HB
Special Black Color Concentrate M90-07 -
Special Black Color Concentrate (for LV) M90-07 -
Standard Standard M90-44 HB
Weather Resistant Standard M90-45 HB
Low VOC Weather Resistant M90-45LV HB
Food Contact Safety, Multi-national Certification of Drinkingwater Safety Standard M90-57 HB
Special Heat Resistant M90-71 HB
Standard Standard M90FC -
Low VOC Standard M90LV HB
Special Metallic Appearance MC-01A -
Special Metallic Appearance MC-01B -
Special Metallic Appearance MC-01C -
High Sliding High Sliding NW-02 HB
Low VOC High Sliding NW-02LV HB
Medical Standard PM09S01N -
Medical High Flow,Fast Molding Cycle PM27S01N -
Low VOC High Sliding PW-01LV HB
High Impact, Flexible High Impact, Flexible SF-10 HB
Low VOC High Impact, Flexible SF-15LV -
High Impact, Flexible High Impact, Flexible SF-20 HB
Special Silicon Oil Concenterate SL-20 -
High Sliding High Sliding SW-01 HB
Low VOC High Sliding SW-01LV HB
Flexible Lower Noise SX-35 HB
Low VOC Tough TF-10LV -
High Impact, Flexible High Impact, Flexible TF-20 -
High Impact, Flexible High Impact, Flexible TF-30 -
Mineral Reinforced High Rigidity, Low Warpage TR-10D HB
Mineral Reinforced High Rigidity, Low Warpage TR-20 HB
Low VOC Mineral Reinforced TR-20LV HB
Mineral Reinforced High Rigidity, Low Warpage TR-5 HB
High Sliding High Rigidity, Low Warpage TW-31 HB
High Sliding High Rigidity, Low Warpage TW-51 HB
Special Chlorinated Water Resistant WR-01 -
High Sliding High Sliding, High Viscocity WW-09 -
High Sliding PTFE Filled YF-10 HB
High Sliding PTFE Filled YF-20 HB
High Sliding PTFE Filled YF-5 HB


GF Reinforced High Toughness 1130A1 V-0
GF Reinforced Standard, Low Flash 1130A64 V-0
Special High Impact 1130T6 V-0(1.6mm)
Special 1130TX2 V-0
GF Reinforced High Toughness 1140A1 V-0
GF Reinforced Standard 1140A4 V-0
GF Reinforced High Strength 1140A6 V-0
GF Reinforced Standard, Low Flash 1140A64 V-0
GF Reinforced Low Chlorine 1140A66 V-0
GF Reinforced Ultrahigh Flow, Low Flash 1140A7 V-0
Special Conductive, Low Wear 2130A1 V-0
Special Low Wear 3130A1 V-0
Special High Impact 6150T6 V-0 (Only black)
Special High Impact, Low Gas 6150T73 V-0
GF and Mineral Reinforced Dimensionally Precise, Standard 6165A4 V-0
GF and Mineral Reinforced Dimensionally Precise, Standard 6165A6 V-0
GF and Mineral Reinforced Dimensionally Precise, Low Flash 6165A7 V-0
GF and Mineral Reinforced Low Fuel Swelling Material 6165A7S -
Special Low Wear 6345A4 V-0
GF and Mineral Reinforced Low Warpage, Higher Gloss 6465A6 V-0
GF and Mineral Reinforced Low Warpage, Higher Gloss 6465A62 V-0
GF and Mineral Reinforced Moldable at Low Mold Temperature, Adhesion-enhanced 6565A6 V-0
GF and Mineral Reinforced Moldable at Low Mold Temperature, Adhesion-enhanced 6565A7 V-0
Special Conductive, Low Wear 7140A4 V-0


HB, Standard Unfilled, High Flow 2000 HB
HB, Standard Unfilled, Toughness 2002 HB
Low Wear Unfilled 2002K HB
Weather Resistance Unfilled 2002U HB
HB, Standard Unfilled 201AC -
Electric Conductive Unfilled 201EB HB
Halogen-free, Higher Comparative Tracking Index Unfilled 201NF V-0
Low Wear Unfilled, Flame Retardance 209AW V-0
Film, Extrusion Molding High Flow 300FP -
Resin Adhesion Improved For Multiple Injection Molding GF30% Reinforced 303RA HB
Low Warpage, SA Series GF Reinforced, Low Density, High Sliding 304SA HB
Better Surface Appearance, Higher Gloss, HB High Rgidity 306MS -
HB, Standard GF7.5% Reinforced, Toughness 3100H HB
HB, Standard GF15% Reinforced 3105 HB
HB, Standard GF15% Reinforced, Toughness 3105H HB
Better Surface Appearance, Higher Gloss, HB GF15% Reinforced 3106 HB
Halogen-free, Higher Comparative Tracking Index GF10% Reinforced 310NF V-0
Resin Adhesion Improved For Multiple Injection Molding GF15% Reinforced 313RA HB
Halogen-free, Higher Comparative Tracking Index GF15% Reinforced 315NF V-0
Halogen-free, Higher Comparative Tracking Index GF15% Reinforced, CTI/PLC:0 315NFK V-0
HB, Standard GF20% Reinforced 3200 HB
Halogen-free, Higher Comparative Tracking Index GF20% Reinforced 320NF V-0
HB, Standard GF30% Reinforced 3300 HB
Epoxy Adhesion Improved GF30% Reinforced 3300A HB
HB, Standard GF30% Reinforced, Toughness 3300H HB
Better Surface Appearance, Higher Gloss, HB GF30% Reinforced 3306 HB
Flame Retardant, Excellent Glow-wire Property GF Reinforced 330GW V-0
Hydrolysis Resistant GF30% Reinforced 330HR HB
Low Oligomer Content, HB GF30% Reinforced 330LC HB
For Laser Welding GF30% Reinforced,High transmissibility, Low Warpage 330LW -
Halogen-free, Higher Comparative Tracking Index GF30% Reinforced 330NF V-0
HB, Standard GF40% Reinforced 3400 HB
HB, Standard GF45% Reinforced 3405 HB
Low Oligomer Content, HB GF40% Reinforced 340LC HB
Resin Adhesion Improved For Multiple Injection Molding GF30% Reinforced, Hydrolysis Resistance 353RA V-0
Low Warpage, SA Series GF Reinforced, Low Density, High Sliding 361SA V-0
Resin Adhesion Improved For Multiple Injection Molding GF15% Reinforced 363RA V-0
Flame Retardant, Low Gas Generation Unfilled, High Toughness 407EP-1 V-0
Higher Impact Resistant Unfilled, Flame Retardant, Higher Comparative Tracking Index 457EV V-0 (1.5mm)
Film, Extrusion Molding Standard 500FP HB
Hydrolysis Resistant GF20% Reinforced, Higher Comparative Tracking Index 522HR HB
Alkali Resistance Improved GF30% reinforced 531AR -
Hydrolysis Resistant, Heat Shock Resistant GF30% Reinforced 531HS HB
Alkali Resistance Improved GF30% Reinforced, Hydrolysis Resistance 532AR HB
Flame Retardant, Hydrolysis Resistant, Heat Shock Resistant GF30% Reinforced 552HS V-0
Low Warpage, SA Series Mineral Reinforced, Low Density, High Sliding 601SA HB
Low Warpage, HB, Standard GB30% Filled, Anisotropy Improved 6300B HB
Low Warpage,Flame Retardant, Standard GB30% Filled, Anisotropy Improved 6370B V-0
Low Warpage, SA Series Mineral Reinforced, Low Density, High Sliding 652SA V-1
Film, Extrusion Molding High Viscosity 700FP -
For Connector Of Automobile GF15% Reinforced 701AC -
Low Warpage, SA Series GF Reinforced, Low Density, High Sliding 701SA HB
Low Warpage, SA Series GF Reinforced, Low Density, High Sliding 711SA HB
Low Warpage,Flame Retardant, Standard GF Reinforced, Super Low Warpage, Black Color 7195W V-0
Electric Conductive GF Reinforced 7300E HB
Low Warpage, HB, Standard GF Reinforced, Super Low Warpage 7307 HB
For Laser Welding GF30% Reinforced, Heat Shock Resistant 730LW -
Low Warpage, LD Series GF30% Reinforced, Hydrolysis Resistance 733LD HB
Low Warpage,Flame Retardant, Standard GF Reinforced, Super Low Warpage, Black Color 7390W V-0
Low Wear GF30% Reinforced, Standard 7400F HB
Low Warpage, HB, Standard GF Reinforced, Super Low Warpage 7400W HB
Low Warpage, HB, Standard GF Reinforced, Super Low Warpage 7407 HB
Low Warpage, Flame Retardant GF30% Reinforced, Hydrolysis Resistance 750AM V-0
Low Warpage, LD Series GF30% Reinforced 750LD V-0
Low Warpage, SA Series GF Reinforced, Low Density, High Sliding 751SA V-0
Better Surface Appearance, Higher Gloss, Flame Retardant GF Reinforced, Low Warpage 756HA V-0
Metal Adhesion GF25% Reinforced 930MA HB
HB, Standard GF15% Reinforced C7015N/B HB
Hydrolysis Resistant, Heat Shock Resistant GF30% Reinforced, Higher Comparative Tracking Index CG7030 HB
Hydrolysis Resistant GF15% Reinforced, Higher Comparative Tracking Index CK7816 HB
Better Surface Appearance, Higher Gloss, Flame Retardant GF15% Reinforced CN5315N/B V-0
Better Surface Appearance, Higher Gloss, Flame Retardant GF30% Reinforced CN5330N/B V-0
Flame Retardant, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive Unfilled, High Flow CN7000LN/LB V-0
Flame Retardant, Standard, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive Unfilled CN7000NN/BB V-0
Flame Retardant, Standard, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF5% Reinforced CN7005NN/BB V-0
Flame Retardant, Standard, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF10% Reinforced CN7010NN/BB V-0
Flame Retardant, Standard, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF15% Reinforced CN7015NN/BB V-0
Flame Retardant, Standard, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF20% Reinforced CN7020NN/BB V-0
Flame Retardant, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF30% Reinforced, High Flow CN7030LN/LB V-0
Flame Retardant, Standard, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF30% Reinforced CN7030NN/BB V-0
Low Warpage,Flame Retardant, Standard GF Reinforced, Super Low Warpage, Black Color CN7740XB V-0
Flame Retardant, Low Gas Generation, Low Contact Contamination,UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive Unfilled CRN7000GP V-0
Flame Retardant, Low Gas Generation, Low Contact Contamination,UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF15% Reinforced CRN7015GP V-0
Flame Retardant, Low Gas Generation, Low Contact Contamination,UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF20% Reinforced CRN7020GP V-0
Flame Retardant, Low Gas Generation, Low Contact Contamination,UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF30% Reinforced CRN7030GP V-0
Flame Retardant, Higher Comparative Tracking Index GF Reinforced, Standard, CTI/PLC:0 CTN7133N/B V-0
Flame Retardant, New Standard, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF15% Reinforced GFR315 V-0
Flame Retardant, New Standard, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF20% Reinforced GFR320 V-0
Flame Retardant, New Standard, UL Approved Regrind 50% Inclusive GF30% Reinforced GFR330 V-0
Higher Impact Resistant Unfilled, Natural Color H7500N -
Low Warpage,Flame Retardant, Standard GF15% Reinforced HN7315N/B V-0
Low Warpage,Flame Retardant, Standard GF30% Reinforced HN7330N/B V-0
Lower Noise, Damping GF30% Reinforced, HB MH1304 T01 -
Lower Noise, Damping GF30% Reinforced, Flame Retardance MH6304 T01 V-0
Lower Noise, Damping GF15% Reinforced, HB RH1150 T01 HB
Super High Flow, HB GF30% Reinforced SF3300 -
Super High Flow, HB GF30% Reinforced, Low Warpage SF733LD -
Super High Flow, HB GF55% Reinforced, High Rigidity, Better Surface Appearance SF755 HB